Inquire. Connect. Move toward the common goal.
Let’s set our young people up to succeed.
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Hōkūpaʻa focuses on three main areas of impact that make a real and lasting impact in the lives of young people.
1. Education &
2. Life Skills &
Mental Health
3. Relationship & Community Building
Education & Training
Public school student and teacher success - increased student engagement, graduation, post-secondary education, and job placement. Students leave high school with the life skills needed to act effectively in school, social settings, and work settings. Students are able to enter training or employment in a field they are passionate about.
While the vast majority of high school students want to go to college, many feel unprepared to do so, and tend to feel even less prepared for future careers. Students are by and large not taking advantage of support services to prepare them for future goals. We believe that youth should be informed and empowered to succeed on any path.
Pathway partnerships
Post-high college/career entry
Readiness, aspirations, and concerns
On-time graduation
2. Life Skills & Mental Health
Young people who are confident, courageous, motivated, determined, and contributing to the world. Students who have a sense of safety and belonging, connected to a strong network of family, friends, and community that empowers them to take a stand for each other, their community, and themselves.
As our children grow up, their bodies and brains change rapidly while they face many challenges and take in influences at school, in the community, and online. At the same time, their families may face significant social and economic challenges. Research shows anxiety and depression are major problems for our youth as they feel pressure to get good grades, look good, and be socially accepted. Social-emotional learning is important for whole-person development, creating a positive basis throughout the individual’s educational, career, and social journeys.
Supports for students
Internal and external factors affecting students’ social-emotional wellbeing
School personnel training
Schools embracing Social-Emotional Learning
Activities and initiatives to build social-emotional wellbeing
Activities and initiatives to build students’ connections with the community
3. Relationship & Community Building
Community connection that increases long-term quality of life, earning potential, and the health of Hawaiʻi. Students who actively participate and make a difference, including in leadership roles. Young people with the ability to create new solutions for the community and our natural environment.
Studies show consistent community involvement and engagement at all school levels have significant short and long-term benefits. We believe students and the community need two-way interaction for mutual benefit. Collaboration allows partners to remain rooted in youth and community voice, valuing the unique expertise of those living in the communities we seek to serve in ways that lead to empowerment and resilience on their terms.
Student advocacy
Student work in the community
Online engagement
Efforts to elicit and act on community voice
Efforts to elicit and act on youth voice
Building networks to share resources and measures
The Bright Spots
Individuals, organizations, and businesses are engaging our youth across our focus areas. We invite you to learn more about our engaged community or share how you’re supporting West Hawaiʻi young people through education, life skills, or community connection.